Online Ambulance Service in Dhaka, 01911125156
Online Ambulance service, We Provide Ac Ambulance, Non-Ac Ambulance, Freezing ambulance, and ICU Ambulance service is available in all districts of Bangladesh. 24 Hours Ambulance service is available. Contact Us Now
Ambulance service in Mohakhali
Online Ambulance Service
Online Ambulance Service is the largest and trusted company in Bangladesh. We provide different types of ambulance services in all districts of Bangladesh. This company is popular with people. 24 ambulance Service companies Provide Ac Ambulance service, Non-Ac ambulance service, ICU Ambulance service, and Freezing ambulance service. We also provide Oxygen, Wheelchair, Streechar with Ac/ Non-Ac ambulance service and Will be Doctors support with ICU, NICU, CCU & PICU ambulance service. 24 Hours ambulance service available. You may contact and Book online or by your Phone to talking. Online ambulance service is available in Dhaka, Bangladesh. When you need an ambulance service just then call us. We will reach your given location in a few minutes.
Freezing Ambulance Service
A freezing ambulance Service is a kind of vehicle that is made to carry a dead body. It has a freezing compartment inside the vehicle that is perfect to contain a dead body and the ice compartment protects the dead body from decay.
No matter how long the distance would have passed the body, the ambulance properly managed the body with its under 7-degree temperature. Even there is no chance of bad odor or internal infections when the body is inside the ambulance.
If you require to transport the dead body from one side to another, you can find a freezing ambulance service to do the job perfectly.
Details of Freezing Ambulance
freezing ambulance direct import from japan.
High quality steel strachters keeping the body.
There are lighting facilities inside to see the body.
There are Glass’s Windwo to see the dead body.
It has freezer box in it.
Genereal tempreture is – 7, -20
Tags Ambulance Service
Online ambulance service, 24 Hours ambulance service, Best ambulance service, Near ambulance service, ICU ambulance service, Freezing ambulance service, Dhaka ambulance service, Badda ambulance service, airport ambulance service.
Mirpur ambulance service, Kollanpur ambulance service, Dhanmondi ambulance service, Mohammadpur ambulance service, Pantho path ambulance service, Emergency ambulance service, freezer Van, Freezer ambulance service.